
My Little Blog


My Little Blog

Year: 2024

Woman Says She Has A Better Way To Make Mac N Cheese And People Are Mad At Her ‘Genius’ Method

A TikToker called herself a ‘rebel’ for not following the instructions on her meal packet A woman’s unconventional twist on the classic macaroni and cheese recipe has stirred up quite the debate on social media, with her method leaving traditionalists scratching their heads. Since its creation by James Lewis Kraft in 1937, Kraft Mac and […]

People Horrified After Finding Out Why Their Mouths Tingle After Eating Pineapple

Finally the pineapple prickle is explained We all have one thing in common, regardless of whether we’re eating pineapple as a snack to meet our daily requirements because we enjoy the flavour or for other reasons. It had our tongues tingling all the way away.  We frequently experience this strange tingling feeling within our mouths […]

Restaurant Owner Completely Rejected Two Influencers Who Asked For Free Meals

The restaurant owner had a very funny and harsh response to an influencer who wanted to collaborate A restaurant owner recently had his fill of influencers looking for a free meal and decided to give two of them a memorable piece of his mind in a fiery response. You might assume that getting promoted by […]

Woman Switches Strict Vegan Diet For ‘Animal Only’ And Reveals The Changes In Her Body

Laura Sliazaite claims she’s felt ‘amazing’ since ditching her vegan diet for protein and diary A former raw vegan has talked about how adopting the contentious carnivore diet helped her health. Those who follow the carnivore eating plan typically substitute fish, meat, eggs, and water for vegetables, fruits, and other carbs in their diet. According […]

Woman Tests Drinking Alcohol On Full VS Empty Stomach And Reveals Huge Difference

Turns out our mom’s warnings weren’t just parental paranoia but based on actual science A woman conducted two tests to find out the real difference between drinking on a full stomach versus an empty one, and the results were “actually wild.” It turns out there’s a scientific reason behind all those warnings from our moms […]

Runway Outfits That Look Totally Different on Celebrities

Elegant suits, high-fashion designer collections, and flowy, lavish, bejeweled costumes are all ways for celebrities to express themselves. They create a strong statement — one of ingenuity and elegance — in collaboration with designers. Fortunately for us, these superstars demonstrate that clothing may look stunning on every body shape, even if they don’t fit the […]

13 Celebs Who Got Creative And Dressed Up as Other Famous People Leaving Us All In Awe

On the night of 31st October, the whole world celebrates their favorite holiday that is Halloween. On this spooky occasion, everyone looks at the famous Hollywood celebrities who make sure to create looks that might inspire millions. Here, we have collected 13 looks these celebrities recreated of the other famous people’s iconic outfits that had […]

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